BIRMINGHAM Police & Schools Panels

HATE CRIME Resources & Signposting


Hate crime is any criminal offence committed against a person or property that is motivated, or perceived to be motivated, by hostility or prejudice based upon the victim's:


  • race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality or national origins
  • religion or belief
  • gender or gender identity
  • sexual orientation
  • disability
  • age


Everyone has a right to live without fear and harassment and if an offender targets a victim because of how they look, their gender identity, sexuality or because of their beliefs, the law provides additional penalties. The CPS takes hate crime very seriously and has specific policies in place for each type of offending.




Disability Hate Crime


This set of resources can be used by teachers to explore the issue of Disability Hate Crime. It features four scenarios based on the life experiences of several disabled people, discussions with disabled people themselves about being the victims of disability hate crime and the impact that it had and continues to have on their lives.


PowerPoint Presentation Teachers' Guidance














Accessability versions of this presenation (signed and subtitled versions) can be accessed: HERE



Racist and Religious Hate Crime


This set of resources can be used by teachers to explore the issue of Racist and Religious Hate Crime. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the Anthony Walker Foundation (AWF) have worked together to produce the resource pack and pupils from schools in the North West acted out, and helped to devise, the dramatised scenarios of racist and religious incidents included in the presentation. They provide starting points for discussion and are based on real life experiences of the young people who took part in the project.


Classroom activities and guidance for teachers are also available in PDF format which are designed to increase pupils' understanding of hate crime and prejudice and enable them to explore ways of challenging it.


PowerPoint Presentation Teachers' Guidance















Homophobic and Transphobic Bullying and Hate Crime


Homophobic and transphobic bullying and hate crime are particularly serious. They attack people's right to feel safe and confident about their sexual orientation and their gender identity. As with all incidents and crimes that are motivated by prejudice and hate, they have a devastating effect on those who are targeted.

CPS North West has worked with the Ministry of Justice, Stonewall and Gendered Intelligence to develop a free educational resource pack aimed at tackling homophobic and transphobic bullying and hate crime amongst young people. It contains video clips, information and lesson plans, to help teachers to explore these issues. The resources will hopefully increase young people's understanding about homophobic and transphobic prejudice, educate them about their responsibilities as citizens and provide them with the knowledge and skills to help them challenge the attitudes and behaviours that lead to bullying and hate crime.


PowerPoint Presentation Teachers' Guidance














Stonewall Secondary School Education Resources can be accessed: HERE

For further information, or to discuss any hate crime issues in Birmingham, please contact PC Gary Stack on:


T: 101 Ext. E: