LGBTQ+ Resources & Signposting

LGBT - EDUCATE & CELEBRATE - The aims of the programme are:  To share a range of resources with secondary schools / Tackle the use of homophobic language in school settings / Provide policy guidance for school governor / Provide INSET training to school staff / Organise Showcase events / Support LGBT History month in schools.

If you would like more information regarding this programme, please contact Elly Barnes directly:     Twitter: @elly_barnes

STONEWALL EDUCATION RESOURCES - Resources to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in education environments and help create more inclusive spaces.  For help, guidance or more information about Stonewall, call our information service on: 08000 50 20 20

PARENT INFO FROM PARENT ZONE - Your child has come out. That's great; it means that they feel confident about themselves and they are trusting you to be supportive. But what do you actually say? The terminology of gender and sexuality changes so  fast that finding the right words can be a minefield. This Glossary is designed to get you started.